Bunker Fuels

Highest grade bunker fuel supplies you can trust

GAC Bunker Fuels draws on our strong market relationships, trusted suppliers, up-to-the-minute information and global reach to give you the best bunker fuel prices and delivery options around the world to save you money on your bunker fuel procurement.

Your bunkers focal point

The only ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018 certified bunker company in the industry, GAC Bunker Fuels has a strong focus on business excellence, quality control and strict supplier vetting procedures. Everything we do is in strict adherence to the GAC Group’s Code of Ethics and Compliance policy.

We serve every type of vessel and can meet your marine fuels and lubricants requirements in Malaysia and at major bunkering locations and non-traditional refuelling ports around the world. GAC Malaysia has a track record of more than 25 years in delivering reliable bunker supplies and has built a strong reputation for trustworthiness among our customers worldwide.

We coordinate swift and smooth supplies of quality IFO, MGO, MDO and marine lubricants. Every marine fuel supply meets internationally approved standards.

Cost savings on bunker fuel procurement

We offer all these at competitive prices within our supplier vetting policy.

You can reap even more fuel savings for each voyage with our specialised services for hull cleaning to optimise vessel performance and navigation efficiency on top of bunker supplies.

And these are just the beginning. GAC Malaysia can arrange your bunker call to receive supplies as part of our integrated service package. The flexible services include ship agency, husbandry and ship spares delivery. With GAC as your single source provider, you enjoy further savings from economies of scale.

Let’s start a conversation

We are here and ready to help you to achieve your business needs. Let’s start a conversation today.

GAC Shipping (Malaysia)
Shipping / Marine
Bony Somanathan

General Manager, Shipping Services