Wharf investment plan announced

17 Jul 2020 / Geraldton, Australia

The Western Australian state government has announced a $10m investment in Geraldton Port Wharf 4 (strengthening and rail replacement).

The project is to upgrade a key piece of Geraldton Port infrastructure, paving the way for long-term growth in mineral sands exports. Wharf 4 is the primary export wharf for mineral sands, talc and concentrates from Geraldton Port, shipping 1.2m tonnes of mineral sands and concentrates in 2018-19. The original Wharf 4 structure was built in 1965.

Improvements to Wharf 4 and associated rail are to extend the design service life of the structure by another 25 years and will allow for the continuation and growth of mineral sands and concentrates shipping through Geraldton.

For information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]

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