Weather warning

17 Oct 2023 / Mangalore, India

“A cyclonic circulation lies over Lakshadweep area and adjoining southeast Arabian Sea & Kerala Coast, and extends up to 3.1km above mean sea level. Under its influence, a low pressure area is likely to develop over southeast and adjoining east central Arabian Sea around 17 October. It is likely to move West-Northwestwards and intensify further during the subsequent 48 hours.”

In view of the above, all vessels, port users, stakeholders to take all necessary safety measures to avoid any kind of incident. It is once again advised to receive weather warnings by all means at the shortest time. Masters of all vessels are advised to take necessary measures for the safety of crew, vessel and environment at all times in compliance with SOLAS and MARPOL including under the power vested with the Master of the vessel as per SOLAS Chapter-V, Regulation 3-1 and ISM Code Section 5.2.

Vessel agents are advised to inform their respective vessel Masters at berth and/or at anchorage to obtain frequent weather reports/warnings by all means, monitor VHF Channel 16 & 12, keep good navigational, anchor and port watches. Vessel Master shall keep their vessels in complete readiness for use. The vessel at anchorage shall ensure proper and frequent monitoring of vessel’s position, pay out more cables on anchor and take all safety & heavy weather measures as per prevailing circumstances and conditions and to manoeuvre safety to avoid TRS as per their SOPs.

Vessel agents are advised to inform their respective vessels in the berth to tend to moorings at all times with additional mooring and wire ropes, keep the winches ready for use and engines on standby at all times for manoeuvring and to obtain frequent weather reports.

All floating crafts of the Indian Customs/Indian Coast Guard/service boats/bunker barges, etc which are unable to move out to sea, are to be adequately manned and moored with additional hawsers/ropes and shall keep their engines and winches on standby. All crafts shall be in complete readiness at all times and obtain weather reports by all available means.

The unloaders/loaders, gantry cranes, wharf cranes, loading arms, hoses, harbour mobile cranes and other associated loading equipment to be secured adequately and stowed in the stowage position, All contains, especially the empty ones, to be secured and lashed adequately. All loose cargo gear to be stowed in a proper secured position…

…NMPA shall stop all port operations and all vessels will be sailed out well in advance in case of approaching depression/storm as per Port SOP. You are advised to be in complete preparedness in all respects to stop all port operations once you receive directions from VTS, NMPA regarding the same and to take all safety precautions, be prepared to avoid any eventualities.

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected])

Source: New Mangalore Port Authority (NMPA) Circular dated 16 October 2023

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