Updated Sanitary Dues tariff for transiting vessels

26 Jun 2024 / Turkish Straits, Turkey

Sanitary dues for vessels passing in transit status through Turkish Straits will be updated from 1 July, as follows:
- Current tariff: NRT X 0,3315 USD (4.42 x 0.075)
- Updated tariff: NRT X 0,3803 USD (5.07 x 0.075)

In addition to the above, Coastal Safety will also announce the updated Light and Life Saving Dues transit to be applied for transiting vessels in the coming days.

According to the Montreux Straits Contracts, the updated value of 1 gold franc is determined as USD 5.07 USD (up from USD 4,42). The Sanitary Dues, Light Dues and Life Saving Dues will be amended accordingly.

For information about operations in Turkey, contact GAC Turkey at [email protected]

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