Updated Sanitary Dues

16 Jun 2023 / Turkish Straits, Turkey

Sanitary Dues applied in transit through the Turkish Straits will be updated from 1 July, as follows:
- Current tariff: NRT X 0,306 USD
- Updated tariff: NRT X 0,3315 USD

Further, in the coming days, Coastal Safety will also announce the updated a Light and Life Saving Dues tariff for passage through the Turkish Straits.

NOTE: According to the Montreux Straits Contracts, the value of 1 gold franc is determined as 4.42 USD (increased from 4,08 USD). As a result of the updated value of 1 gold franc, the Sanitary, Light and Life Saving Dues will be amended accordingly.

For information about operations in the Turkish Straits, contact GAC Turkey at [email protected]

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