Updated implementation of regulation for sea traffic scheme

31 Dec 2024 / Turkish Straits, Turkey

The additional escort tug requirement for LNG/dual powered vessels in the Turkish Straits has been lifted in order to promote green energy.

Strait passage priority can be granted by the administration subject to the evaluation of the written application of relevant port managements for ships carrying cargoes to be discharged to the county’s strategically important oil refineries, LNG/LPG terminals or power plants or the application of shipyard managements for ships proceeding to a shipyard for repairs, maintenance and having a written agreement. Both applications must be effected at least 48 hours prior to vessels passage through the straits.

In cases where the pilot to be transferred to the ship does not find the pilot ladder in compliance with the rules, the transfer will be cancelled and the non-compliance will be reported to the Harbour Master along with, if possible, supporting video and photographs and any documents. As the pilot transfer is cancelled, consequently the vessel’s strait passage will be cancelled too. The non-compliance report will be sent the relevant regional port authority for administrative sanction assessment. Ships that rectify the non-compliance of the pilot ladder will inform the Harbour Authority and again be included again in the passage planning.

Agencies of marine vehicles, such as pilling barges, crane barges, mud barges, etc towed by Turkish flagged tugboats whose total tow length is up to 90 meters which belong to companies engaged in submarine water services and port constructions shall apply to the relevant regional port authority or if the passage will be through both straits, will apply only to the Istanbul Regional Port Authority and request the passage conditions. The passage of such convoys subject to passage conditions will transit the straits, taking into consideration meteorological conditions, during daylight and with a speed of minimum 4 knots/hour.

A ship that declares a breakdown in the Marmara Sea and proceeding to a Marmara Sea port is surveyed by the port authority or classification society after her arrival. If vessel shall pass a strait, the Harbour authority of the specific strait or classification society will survey the vessel.

Ships whose specifications are given below shall pass through Çanakkale Strait during the daytime and the use of pilotage service and the escorts of tugboats whose number and power is specified under article 7, paragraph 1, clause e, is strongly recommended.
- All ships of 250 mtrs LOA and above, except passenger vessels.
- Ships whose LOA is 200 meters and over.
- Ships with an LOA of 200 meters and over carrying IMDG Code Class 1 cargo.
- Deep draft ships.
- All ships effecting passages under tow.
- All ships subject to additional passage conditions.

Except for ships specified above, it is strongly recommended that all ships of 200m LOA and over make their Canakkale Strait passage under the assistance of pilot.

For information about operations in the Turkish Straits, contact GAC Turkey at [email protected]

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