Updated ECA (Emission Control Areas) Policy in China

05 Sep 2018 / Zhejiang Province, Shanghai Port

Zhejiang Province

Zhejiang Maritime Bureau has announced that as from 1 October 2018 for vessels sailing, anchoring or operating in the ECAs, excluding ships or crafts used for military or sporting purposes and fishing boats, the sulphur in the fuel oil must contain no more than 0.5% m/m. If required vessels will have to take alternative measures with equal effect such as connecting to shore power, using clean energy, arranging after-treatment for exhaust, etc.

The geographical boundaries of Yangtze River Delta ECA(including sea boundaries, inland water areas and key ports) are as follows:

Sea boundaries: the sea area within the lines connecting the points of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J.
Point A: The Shoreline junction point of Nantong and Yancheng
Point B: 12 nautical miles away from Wai Ke Jiao Island
Point C: 12 nautical miles away from Sheshan Island
Point D: 12 nautical miles away from HaiJiao
Point E: 12nautical miles away from Southeast Reef
Point F: 12nautical miles away from Two Brothers Reef
Point G: 12 nautical miles away from Yushan Archipelago
Point H: 12 nautical miles away from Taizhou Islands (2)
Point I: 12 nautical miles away from junction point of shoreline of Taizhou and shoreline of WenzhouPoint J: Junction point of shoreline of Taizhou and shoreline of Wenzhou

Shanghai Port

As from 1 October 2018, ships must use low sulphur bunker of no more than 0.5% during the vessel’s stay in port (anchor, navigation or berth) in the Shanghai / Jinshan / Yangshan / Lv Hua Shan areas.

(For more information about operations in China contact GAC China at [email protected])

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