Updated Coronavirus Interim Port Protocol

08 Mar 2020 / Gibraltar

The Gibraltar Health Authority has updated its Coronavirus Interim Port Protocol, prohibiting the disembarkation of any person who has visited any of the coronavirus-affected countries within the preceding 15 days.

The updated version lists Italy as a whole in the list of affected countries rather than specifying Northern Italy.

Masters of calling vessels are required to complete a declaration advising whether anyone on board has transited through airports or visited China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau, Iran, Italy, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, or lived with someone who has been in China, in the last 15 days.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Gibraltar, contact GAC Gibraltar at agency.gibraltar@gac.com (defined by a line above, and not including, Pisa, Florence and Rimini), Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, or lived with someone who has been in China, in the last 15 days.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Gibraltar, contact GAC Gibraltar at agency.gibraltar@gac.com

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.