Tug and Barge Units will be Allowed to Participate in Auctions for Booking Slots

20 Dec 2023 / Panama Canal, Panama

Beginning with the auctions to be held on December 21, 2023, for transit on December 28, 2023, tug and barge units will be allowed to participate in the auctions for booking slots in their respective vessel categories (Neopanamax, supers, or regulars). If a tug and barge unit is awarded the auctioned slot, then the larger of the two will be assigned the slot and will pay the winning bid, while the smaller unit will pay the applicable booking fee based on dimensions.

As tug and barge units must be physically inspected by ACP personnel prior to being approved for transit, they will be allowed to participate in auctions after conditions for transit have been determined and approval for transit has been given by the Canal Port Captain. In addition, the 18-hour In-TransitTime will not apply to tug and barge units that obtain a booking slot, since they will generally be scheduled for a two-day or three-day transit due to speed, transit restrictions, and resource requirements.

For further details, as well as information about operations in the Suez Canal, contact GAC Panama at [email protected].

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