Tropical Cyclone intensifying

12 Apr 2023 / Pilbara coast, Australia

Category 3 Severe Tropical Cyclone Ilsa is continuing to strengthen and is expected to cross the coast east of Port Hedland late Thursday or early Friday.

At 5:00pm local time, Ilsa had sustained winds near the centre of 140km per hour with wind gusts to 195km per hour. It was located within 35km of 16.2 degrees South, 119.6 degrees East , 340km northwest of Broome and 470km north northeast of Port Hedland, and moving south-southwest at 7km per hour.

Ilsa is expected to reach Category 4 on Thursday morning.

Ilsa is forecast to track to the south and then turn to the southeast during Thursday, towards the east Pilbara coast.

A severe impact is likely along the coast and adjacent inland parts between east of Port Hedland and west of Bidyadanga, in the vicinity of Wallal Downs, during late Thursday or early Friday. During Friday, Ilsa is forecast to maintain tropical cyclone intensity as it tracks past Telfer and further inland across the Northern Interior district.

The very destructive of Ilsa, with extreme gusts up to 270 km/hr is expected to cross the coast between De Grey and west of Bidyadanga late Thursday night or early Friday morning, and move further inland Friday morning.

Destructive with gusts to 155 km/h may develop near the coast between Bidyadanga and Port Hedland during Thursday afternoon or evening, extending inland as far as Marble Bar later on Thursday and to Telfer Friday morning.

Damaging winds with gusts to 90 km/h may develop between Bidyadanga and Port Hedland during early Thursday afternoon. Damaging winds may extend further west to Port Hedland later Thursday if Ilsa moves further to the west, or to Beagle Bay later Thursday, including Broome, if Ilsa tracks further east.

Heavy rainfall and squally thunderstorms are expected over the western Kimberley, and may extend to the eastern Pilbara from Thursday and Northern Interior from Friday. 200 to 400 mm of rainfall is possible during Thursday and Friday near where Ilsa crosses the coast.

Abnormally high tides are possible about the coast between Broome and Port Hedland during Wednesday, and Thursday. In some locations the tide may be close to or exceed the highest astronomical tide of the year.

The port of Port Hedland is at Cyclone Alert Stage 3 – Clear Port. All inner anchorages have been cleared. All berths are to be cleared by 1300 hours local time today (12 April) and all trading vessels to be clear of port limits by 1800 hours. Vessels secured to moorings must take appropriate action as per their cyclone contingency plans. Harbour support vessels (tugs, pilot vessels, lines boats, etc) should implement their cyclone management plans, taking into consideration the forecasted weather conditions.

From 0800 hours tomorrow (13 April), all movements of harbour support vessels within the port will be approved by Harbour Master via Port Hedland VTS on a case-to-case basis.

Vessel Masters shall ensure:
- Vessel's engines and machinery are fully operational.
- Vessel's stability, trim, and propeller immersion are appropriate.
- Vessel's manning, stores and bunkers are adequate for departure.
- Preparations are made in accordance with their respective cyclone response plan.

Terminal/berth operators are to ensure that:
- The latest cyclone forecasts are taken into account when planning operations over the coming days.
- The wharf areas are inspected for and cleared off / secured for any items that may have the potential to fall into the berth pockets or adjacent areas during periods of strong winds.

The ports of Ashburton , Varanus Island & Cape Preston West are at Cyclone Alert Stage 1 – Monitor.

Shipping operations will continue as planned. Adjustments will be made based on prevalent and expected weather conditions associated with the tropical system.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.