Training sessions for digitalPORT@SGTM

06 Jul 2023 / Singapore

The digitalPORT@SGTM Just in Time Planning and Coordination Platform (JIT) will facilitate optimal arrival and departure of vessels to and from the Port of Singapore, which enable faster ship turnaround time and reduction in greenhouse gases. Having advanced and real time information of the vessel schedule will also assist in the optimisation and deployment of the port resources such as pilotage, towage, bunker tankers and other marine services.

To prepare for the implementation of the JIT for the container and bulk sectors in Port of Singapore, MPA will commence hands – on training sessions for the shipping and harbour craft communities from July 2023 onwards. These training sessions will allow the ship agents, towage service providers, and bunker suppliers to work on the system and its functions.

Please fill in the registration form, to register your attendance in one of the training sessions and we look forward to seeing you and your colleagues. If you have any enquiries, please contact us [email protected].

(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.062 of 2023

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