Thames Sailing Barge Match

07 Jul 2023 / Gravesend Reach to Mouse Channel/River Thames, United Kingdom

Mariners are advised that this year’s Thames Sailing Barge Match will take place on Saturday 8 July 2023.

Participating vessels are expected to assemble in Gravesend Reach, then proceed outward to the starting line in Lower Hope at Mucking No. 3 Buoy, with the competitors to start in groups between 0800 - 0830.

The race, comprising up to 15 sailing barges and associated race official & escort craft, will then proceed outward to the North Oaze Buoy, where they will turn about and return to Gravesend for the finish of the race. This intended route may be shortened or otherwise modified on the day, according to the prevailing weather conditions.

All participating sailing barges are expected to be equipped with AIS and are required to comply with local regulations and the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea.

For the latest information, contact London VTS by VHF ch.68 or ch.69; or telephone 01474 562215.

(For information about operations in the United Kingdom, contact GAC UK at [email protected])

Source: Port of London Authority Notice to Mariners L27-23

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