Terminal working hours during Eid Al Adha

07 Jul 2022 / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal working hours during Eid Al Adha will be as follows:

Will be closed from Friday 8 July until Monday 11 July.
Normal working hours will resume on Tuesday 12 July.

ON the 1st day of Eid, Container Terminal operations will be closed from 0400 hours to 0900 hours. However, during the above break time, limited work will be carried out on customer’s prior request.

Overtime charges will be applicable from 8 July 0001 hours until 11 July 2359 hours as per CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal Tariff.

(For information about operations in Abu Dhabi, contact GAC Abu Dhabi at [email protected])

Source: CSP Abu Dhabi Terminal notice dated 7 July 2022

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