Terminal closed as weather deteriorates

15 Nov 2023 / Bahamas

Due to unfavourable weather conditions, Buckeye Bahamas Hub Terminal was closed at 17.46 hours local time yesterday (14 November).

A Gale Watch is in effect for the Extreme Northwest Bahamas from yesterday evening (14 November) and for the remainder of the Northwest and Central Bahamas today (15 November).

The combination of a deepening low pressure in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (moving eastward) along with a mid-level low pressure and warm deep tropical moisture from the Caribbean Sea, will act as a catalyst for excessive amounts of rainfall in the Northwest and portions of the Central Bahamas through to early Friday.

The pressure gradient between the low pressure system in the Gulf of Mexico and a strong high pressure system over the Eastern United States will generate hazardous marine conditions in the Extreme Northwest Bahamas, gradually reaching the remainder of the Northwest Bahamas by Wednesday. The Central and Southeast Bahamas will be impacted on Thursday.

The Bahamas Department of Meteorology is monitoring a broad area of low pressure in the Southwest Caribbean Sea. This system is forecast to move northeastward and could bring squally showers to the Southeast and Central Bahamas along with the Turks and Caicos Islands on Friday and Saturday.

Hazardous weather conditions are predicted through to tomorrow (Thursday 16 November) with gale force winds and increasingly rough offshore water predicted until Friday.

Conditions are being monitored Ship-To-Ship (STS) operations offshore Freeport.

(For information about operations in the Bahamas, contact the GAC Hub Agency Centre at [email protected])

Source: Elnet Maritime Limited – GAC agent

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