Tanker berth reinforced and refurbished

20 Sep 2023 / Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) has announced that repairs to the Port Elizabeth tanker berth and embankment have been completed ahead of schedule.

The repair project on this occasion involved completing the revetment and general refurbishment near tanker berth 15 and nearby ore berth 14. The revetment barricade was constructed with rock armour which is designed to absorb and scatter incoming wave energy and prevent erosion of an embankment.

Due to wave action over the years the existing revetment had eroded with the rock armour displaced. With the now protected berths and embankment, liquid bulk vessels will enjoy safe berthing operations. During the execution of the project, and with the collaboration of the tanker operators and agents, the tanker berth and berth 14 remained operational throughout the project execution.

For information about operations at Port Elizabeth, contact GAC South Africa at [email protected]

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