Suez Canal convoy timings

11 Aug 2023 / Suez Canal

Convoys arranged by the Suez Canal Authority today (11 August) are as follows:

The southbound convoy (39 ships) will start entering the canal in two groups:

The Early Group (19 ships) started entering the canal at 0700 hrs local time and will stop at Great Better Lakes to resume transit on the tail of the normal southbound convoy. The Normal Group convoy (20 ships) will start entering the canal at 1230 hrs local time and will have free run to Suez port.

The northbound convoy (30 ships) will start entering the canal in two groups:

The Early Group (10 ships) will start entering the canal at 1030 hrs local time and will stop at Great Better Lakes to resume transit on the tail of the normal northbound convoy. The Normal Group convoy (20 ships) will start entering the canal at 1330 hrs local time and will have free run to Portsaid.

Both convoys will start to exit the canal from both ends around 2230 hrs to 2330 hrs local time and all ships in both convoys expected to clear the canal between 0400 hrs to 0500 hrs local time (12 August). The SCA is working improving entering time of the convoys to back to normal time (on about 0500 hrs local time) next day by shorting the gap between exiting time of the convoys and starting time of next convoys.

For further details, as well as information about operations in the Suez Canal, contact GAC Egypt at [email protected]

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