Submarine cable laying operations from Hong Kong Island to Lamma Island

05 May 2023 / Hong Kong

For approximately three months, submarine cable laying operations and hydrographic survey will be carried out along the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (K):
(A) 22° 15.316’ N 114° 07.925’ E
(B) 22° 15.318’ N 114° 07.914’ E
(C) 22° 15.256’ N 114° 07.826’ E
(D) 22° 15.140’N 114° 07.732’ E
(E) 22° 14.933’ N 114° 07.571’ E
(F) 22° 14.796’ N 114° 07.469’ E
(G) 22° 14.695’ N 114° 07.395’ E
(H) 22° 14.540’ N 114° 07.266’ E
(I) 22° 14.461’N 114° 07.224’E
(J) 22° 14.444’N 114° 07.206’E
(K) 22° 14.380’N 114° 07.131’E

The works will be carried out by a special purpose vessel (cable laying barge). Two tugs, one work boat and four guard boats will provide assistance. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements. Vessels engaged in the works will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

A working area of approximately 50 metres around the cable laying barge will be established. Yellow flashing lights will be installed at the four corners of the cable laying barge to indicate its position.

The hours of work will be from 0700 to 2300 hours. Diving operations will be carried out from time to time during the hours of work. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels employed for the works will stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

The works in the critical sections from the co-ordinates (D) to (H) will last for approximate 4 days. To ensure marine traffic safety and to facilitate the works, temporary traffic arrangements will be implemented, and guard boats will be deployed at the passageway to give necessary assistance to the vessels using the section of the East Lamma Channel Traffic Separation Scheme (the ELCTSS) along the Lamma Patch with details as elaborated in paragraphs 6 to 9 below.

When the works is being carried out between the coordinates (D) and (E), the southbound traffic lane of the relevant section of the ELCTSS will generally remain normal while the northbound traffic lane will be narrowed, but a passageway with a minimum width of 300 metres for northbound vessels to pass through the works area will be maintained. The northern inshore traffic zone will remain open for vessels not using the ELCTSS.

When the works is being carried out between the coordinates (E) and (F), the southbound traffic lane of the relevant section of the East Lamma Channel will remain open for the southbound traffic, however the minimum width of the passageway will be narrowed to about 360 metres when the cable laying barge is working close to the coordinate (F); while the passageway of the northbound traffic lane will be diverted to the northern inshore traffic zone.

When the works is being carried out between the coordinates (F) and (G), the navigable passageway in southbound traffic lane of the relevant section of the ELCTSS will be narrowed to about 360 meters while the northbound traffic lane will resume normal generally.

When the works is being carried out between the coordinates (G) and (H), the southbound traffic lane of the relevant section of the ELCTSS will be closed and the southbound vessels using the ELCTSS will be diverted to the northbound traffic lane of the ELCTSS while the northbound vessels using the ELCTSS will be diverted to the northern inshore traffic zone.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution, be aware of the temporary traffic arrangements and keep clear of the area at slow speed, bearing in mind there are divers working in the area.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at [email protected])

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.73/2023

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