Strikes update (4 April)

03 Apr 2023 / Nantes/Montoir, France

Strikes are continuing this week at Nantes/Montoir.

Workers at the Elengy terminal are on strike until tomorrow (4 April) when a general meeting will be held.

Donges refinery is on strike until the evening of 7 April, when a general meeting will be held.

Port keepers staff are striking between 1100 and 1500 daily, until further notice. Dockers/crane drivers are also staging a 4-hour stoppage (1200-1600) every day, with no exceptional shifts or overtimes.

(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in France, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at [email protected])

Source: SEA-Invest Shipping Agency – GAC sub-agent

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