Storm over Arabian Sea forecast to hit coast

31 May 2020 / Gujurat/north Maharashtra, India

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has reported that a low-pressure area will form in the Arabian Sea in the next 48 hours and move towards the Gujarat and north Maharashtra coasts until 3 June.

Two storms are forming over the Arabian Sea, one off the African coast which is likely to move over Oman and Yemen, while the other is close to India.

In its daily bulletin, the IMD states: "A low-pressure area would form over Southeast-east-central Arabian Sea during the next 48 hrs. To intensify into a depression during the subsequent 48 hours with the possibility of further intensification. To move north-northwestwards towards Gujarat and north Maharashtra coasts till June 3."

A low-pressure area and a depression are the first two levels on the IMD's eight-category scale used to classify cyclones based on their intensity.

Under the influence of the likely formation of a low-pressure system over the Arabian Sea, conditions will become favorable from June 1 for the onset of Southwest Monsoon.

All ports along the coast from Gujarat to Goa have hoisted Distant Cautionary Signal No. 1 (DC-I).

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