Special relief measures

03 Apr 2020 / Pakistan

Hutchison Ports Pakistan and Karachi International Container Terminal (KICT) have both announced the extension of free time to 10 days for import containers on vessels that arrived between 20 March and 5 April, inclusive.

They are also waiving of port charges on COVID-19 related medical supplies (ventilators, masks, sanitizers, surgical gloves, medicines, test-kits etc.), and offering free transportation in the city of these goods by their trucking partners. Requests should be made with a letter certifying that the containers contain vital medical supplies to fight COVID-19, issued by either National Disaster Management Authority or the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, for the entire period of the Covid-19 Health Emergency in Pakistan.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Pakistan, contact GAC Pakistan at pakistan@gac.com

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