Service payment arrangements for new liquid bulk terminal

04 Aug 2021 / Takoradi, Ghana

Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority (GPHA) has announced the service payment arrangements agreed with Marshall Oil and Gas Services Ltd (MOGS) for vessel and cargo operations at the new liquid bulk terminal at Takoradi.

1. Agents to request quotation for their cargo from the GPHA Revenue Section.
2. Upon receipt of the request, GPHA to coordinate with MOGS and raise two proforma invoices (one for GPHA and one for MOGS).
3. Upon receipt of the invoices, customer/agent to make payment into the account details given and submit the Swift Advices to GPHA Revenue Section for financial clearance to be given to berth the vessel. (NB: Financial clearance is the sole prerogative of GPHA).

1. MOGS flow meter to be the basis for determining volumes discharged.
2. Prior to cargo operations commencing, a preliminary flow meter reading to be made by all relevant parties (representatives of MOGS, cargo receiver, vessel agent and GPHA Monitoring Department) at the manifold.
3. Final flow meter reading to be done by the same parties as above and a final outrun report to be generated nu MOGS after the final reading, countersigned by all parties.
4. If the flow meter is found to be faulty, invoicing shall be based on the final outturn report generated at the cargo receiver’s tank farm, in which case the relevant parties shall be present to take the readings and countersign the final outturn report.

1. Upon completion of vessel’s cargo operations, two invoices to be raised on the actual volumes discharged. Payment to be made to the account stated on each invoice and Swift Advices submitted to the GPHA Revenue Section if there is an overrun.
2. If the prefunding/estimated volumes and other variables exceed the final invoice volume, the invoice will indicate a credit balance to be used for the best vessel operations.

(For information about operations in Ghana, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at [email protected])

Source: OMA Ghana – GAC network agent

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