Sea theft in Singapore Strait

13 Jul 2023 / Singapore

The Information Fusion Centre (IFC) has provided photographic evidence of the recent sea theft incident that occurred in the Westbound Lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS), Singapore Strait, and the Singapore Shipping Association is gravely concerned about the safety and security of vessels transiting through this area.

The perpetrators in this incident were observed using wooden boats with specific characteristics. These boats typically have a flat-bottomed hull and a narrow open deck.

Given the gravity of the situation, the IFC strongly advises all vessels transiting through the Singapore Strait to exercise the utmost caution and immediately implement crucial ship protection measures. We cannot stress enough the importance of safeguarding your crew, cargo, and vessel against potential threats. To ensure your safety, we recommend the following precautionary measures:

  • Take immediate action to turn on weather deck lighting around the accommodation block and rear-facing lighting on the poop deck. These measures will significantly improve visibility, making it harder for potential perpetrators to approach unnoticed.

  • Maintain a constant all-around lookout from an elevated position, with a particular focus on identifying any suspicious small craft(s) approaching or in close proximity to the ship’s aft. Heightened vigilance is critical in detecting and reporting any potential threats to your vessel’s security. Promptly inform the ship’s master and follow your established security protocols.

  • In the event of sighting any suspicious small craft(s), immediately sound the ship’s alarm to alert your crew and discourage the criminals. Time is of the essence in such situations, and swift action can deter or disrupt their activities.

Additionally, we strongly encourage all vessels to play an active role in aiding the authorities’ investigations by providing photographic or video evidence of any sea theft incidents or suspicious activities. Sharing such evidence will not only educate the industry about the modus operandi of the criminals but also assist in the swift apprehension of those responsible.

We cannot overemphasize the significance of prioritising the safety and security of your crew, vessel, and cargo. By diligently adhering to these ship protection measures and remaining continuously vigilant, we can collectively enhance maritime security in the Singapore Strait.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the IFC. We urgently request your full cooperation and unwavering commitment to maritime safety and security.

Time is of the essence, and immediate action is necessary to safeguard your ship and crew from potential harm.

(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Information Fusion Centre, Singapore, Shipping Advisory 1/23 dated 11 July 2023

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