Sacrifice Holiday

28 Jul 2020 / Turkey

There will be five days’ holiday in Turkey, from Thursday 30 July to Tuesday 4 August, to mark the Sacrifice Holiday. All official institutions and banks in the country will be closed during this period.

Timely arrangements for crew, spares, provisions, documentation, etc should be made and forwarded in good time ahead of the holiday.

Some ports may suspend their operations during the holiday period. Other may increased charges for official services (pilotage, towage, mooring, customs, etc) by 50%. Therefore, we recommend checking prior to calling at any Turkish Port.

A 50% additional pilotage charge will be valid for Turkish Straits between these dates.

For information about operations in Turkey, contact GAC Turkey at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.