River levels nearing normal

11 Mar 2022 / Brisbane, Australia

Brisbane River currents and levels are near normal levels with the cessation of dam releases.

Debris clearance continues with the Port of Brisbane working upstream from Fisherman Island and beyond. Critical aids to navigation have been restored or temporarily established upstream to Pinkenba Swing Basin. Some floating debris remains but is decreasing upstream of Pelican Banks.

- Operations return to normal port procedures.

- For berths below Pelican Banks, the key restrictions are based on shoaling in the Inner Bar as well debris and shoaling removal from the Koopa Swing Basin. Inner bar is currently at 12.4m with UKC being managed by SUKC values to allow additional vessel clearance when manoeuvring due to debris.

All port operating procedures have returned to normal with the exception of the following;

  • UKC managed utilising SUKC values for all drafts 11.0m and above between STS and Fisherman Island.
  • 1 tug escort from/to Coffee Pots – Only for vessels that have been alongside prior to 02 March.
  • No bow/stern thruster replacement for tug due to debris. Additional tugs as per normal pilotage assessment process and advised directly to agent.
  • LOA less than 300m – pending clearance working in Koopa Swing Basin
  • Quay line separation to be 30m for vessels less than 300m for arrival and departure only. Can reduced once alongside.

From tomorrow (12 March), scheduling procedures for Fisherman Island will transition from trial conditions to normal port procedures. This will allow the development of the schedule beyond the next 24 hours. Agents and terminals should work closely with VTS acknowledging that there are many ships to move safely and efficiently through the port.

Operational work at berths, including engine immobilisations can be conducted. Noting the presence of debris and temporary aids to navigation, life raft launching will continue to be limited until early next week.

Priorities will be based on port procedures. Changes to depths in the channels and berth boxes will continue to be published through normal processes.

- Work in this area has focused on trial vessel movements and departure of vessel alongside during the flood. There remains some ongoing LOA limitations as debris is cleared from swing basins that provide critical abort points noting the additional risks posed by the presence of floating and sub-surface debris.

Trial arrivals and departures have continued with ongoing success. Aids to Navigation have been re-established. Survey and debris clearance continues to focus on swing basins to increase LOA limits. Limitations for the period from 12 March are as follows:

  • Daylight Operations above FISB – Under continuous review
  • Draft managed as per Port Procedures and SUKC, with slack HW targeted for deep draft movements.
  • 1 tug escort from/to Coffee Pots – Only for vessels that have been alongside prior to 2 March.
  • 2 tugs for all movements, no bow/stern thruster replacement. Additional tugs as per ongoing pilotage assessment.
  • LOA 185m – Under continuous review pending debris/survey clearance in swing basins.

VTS will continue coordinate with agents on vessel scheduling for those that meet the above criteria for further potential limited movements.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.