Revised special consolidated charges

15 Jun 2022 / Johor Port, Singapore

Tanjung Langsat Port Terminal (TLP) Special Consolidated Marine Charges (SCMC) revised rate was officially implemented from 15 May 2022.

The revised SCMC for TLP Terminal shall be based on the following rate:

Vessel 80 metres and below (inclusive of the provision of 1 tugboat for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 6,300

Vessel 80-125 metres (inclusive of the provision of 1 tugboat for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 7,280

Vessel up to 125 metres (inclusive of the provision of 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 10,665

Vessel more than 125 metres up to 185 metres (inclusive of the provision of 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 14,040

Vessel more than 185 metres up to 240 metres (inclusive of the provision of 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 17,556

Vessel 240-280 metres (inclusive of the provision of 1 escort tug and 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 23,000

Vessel 240 metres & below with draft 12 metres and above (inclusive of the provision of 2 pilots, 1 escort tug and 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 31,250

Vessel more than 240 metres with draft 12 metres and above (inclusive of the provision of 2 pilots, 1 escort tug and 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 31,875

Vessel more than 280 metres (inclusive of the provision of 2 escort tugs and 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 32,375

Vessel more than 280 metres with draft 12 metres and above (inclusive of the provision of 2 pilots, 2 escort tugs and 2 tugboats for berthing/unberthing):
- Rate (RM): 50,000

(For further details, as well as information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at [email protected])

Source: Johor Port Notice to All Shipping Agents/Port Users dated 13 June 2022

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