Report of Marine Incidents

11 Jun 2024 / Hong Kong

It is a statutory requirement for the owner or his agent or the master of vessel to furnish to the Hong Kong Marine Department (MD) in writing providing full particulars of the occurrence within 24 hours after an accident (initial report).

The information collected will be useful for MD to conduct marine safety investigation to determine whether there are any new lessons to be learnt and what recommendations or actions should be taken to prevent recurrence of similar incidents.

The form “Report of Marine Incident” (form number: M.O. 822) and its accompanying notes are served to facilitate the reporting of marine incidents. The form can be accessed through the following link:

Apart from reporting, it is also important to inform MD the corrective action(s) that the owner or his agent or the master of concerned vessel will take to prevent recurrence of similar incidents. If additional time is required to determine the root causes for formulating corrective actions, supplementary reports should be submitted as soon as practicable, subsequent to the initial report.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at [email protected])

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.101/2024

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