Remotely Operated Unmanned Boat sea trials

25 Oct 2023 / Zayed Port (Abu Dhabi), United Arab Emirates

From 25 October to 29 November, daily sea trails and operational testing of the Remotely Operated Unmanned Vessel (ROUV) ‘MARIP 1201’ are being conducted out between 08.00 and 17.30 hours within Zayed Port’s limits.

The ROUV operations will be controlled remotely from the onshore command centre, and will be conducted within the boundaries defined by the below coordinates:
24 deg. 35’15.479”N / 054 deg. 19’ 4.465”E
24 deg. 34’50.038”N / 054 deg. 17’46.878”E
24 deg. 32’58.535”N / 054 deg. 20’15.565”E
24 deg. 33’26.741”N / 054 deg. 21’25.977”E

Reference UKHO Chart: Admiralty chart number BA 3715 and adjoining charts.

Vessels and boats operating within the port limits, particularly in the trial area and its vicinity, are strongly encouraged to exercise the highest level of caution.

For any inquiries or further details, contact the Zayed Port Harbour Master or VTS on VHF Channel 67.

For information about operations in Abu Dhabi, contact GAC Abu Dhabi at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.