Reduced maximum draft due to shoaling in Upper Mobile River

28 Mar 2023 / Mobile, United States

The Mobile District Army Corps of Engineers released the latest soundings of the Upper Mobile River and show that there is shoaling on the east side of the Federal Channel from Pier D2 northward to the new Auto Terminal.

Because of the existing conditions, a maximum draft of 39 feet will be imposed for ships using that portion of the Mobile River north of Pier D2 to the Auto Terminal. For vessels that are currently loaded with a draft that exceeds 39 feet and desiring to transit that location, please contact this office. Please check with the bar pilots as to any further restrictions prior to sailing a ship in that location…

…The Army Corps of Engineers has a Great Lakes Dredge working now in the Upper River. Your cooperation is appreciated.

This notice is canceled July 1, 2023.

(For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: Alabama Port Authority Port of Mobile Harbor Master Notice To Shipping No.09-23 dated 27 March 2023

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