Rebate renewal for crude oil tankers

14 Jun 2022 / Suez Canal, Egypt

The Suez Canal Authority has decided to renew the following rebate circulars for crude oil tankers:

  • Circular (1/2018) – Crude oil from/to Us Gulf
  • Periodical regarding circular (1/2018) on 14-06-2022 Crude Oil Tankers
  • Periodical regarding The Renewal & Amendment of circular (1/2018)

Circular No. (1/2018) concerning “Crude Oil” tankers (Laden or Ballast), coming from ports of the US Gulf, Caribbean area and Latin America heading to Asian ports, shall remain in force till the end of December 2022 after amending “Article One” of the circular to read as follows:

“Crude Oil” tankers (laden or ballast) coming from (or heading to) ports of the US Gulf (starting from Miami port and its western ports within the “American Gulf”), Caribbean area (Ports located North of San Andres Island- Latitude 12o 34' 40'' N) heading to (or coming from):
a) Ports West of Indian subcontinent (starting from Karachi till Cochin at the west of India) shall be granted a reduction of 35% of the Suez Canal normal tolls.
b) Ports located East of Cochin port shall be granted a reduction of 75% of Suez Canal normal tolls.

“Crude Oil” tankers (laden or ballast) coming from (or heading to) ports of Latin America Starting from Colombia (San Andres Island- Latitude 12o 34' 40'' N) and its southern ports heading to (or coming from) the Asian ports starting from Karachi port and its eastern ports shall be granted a reduction of 75% of Suez Canal normal tolls.”

This periodical shall be applicable to crude oil tankers (laden or ballast) sailing from origin ports from 1 July to 31 December 2022.”

Rebate applications must be submitted to Suez Canal before the vessel sails from its port of origin, with at least 72 hours’ pre-notice prior to sailing and earlier notice highly recommended.

Terms and conditions applied as per SCA official Circulars available on their website

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the Suez Canal, contact GAC Egypt at [email protected]

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