Publication of new LNG tanker tariffs for 2024

11 Jul 2023 / Ras Laffan, Qatar

Ras Laffan announces a revised Port Tariff for LNG tankers, as detailed below:

Pilotage charges
- Revised tariff (USD): 4,000.00

Channel dues
- Revised tariff (USD): 8,000.00

- Revised tariff (USD): 4,000.00

Towing (in & out)
- Revised tariff (USD): 20,000.00

Harbour dues
- Revised tariff (USD): 12,000.00

LNG port charges
- Revised tariff (USD): 100,000.00

RLC conservancy dues
- Revised tariff (USD): 51,370.00

RLC navigation aids
- Revised tariff (USD): 600.00

Port clearance charges
- Revised tariff (USD): 30.00

Port users are advised to take note of the above revision and make necessary preparation for payments accordingly. Other supplemental port charges/tariffs not detailed above, will remain at current levels.

The revised charges are applicable with effect from 1 January 2024...

(For information about operations in Qatar, contact GAC Qatar at [email protected])

Source: Qatar Energy notification dated 9 July 2023

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