Promulgated drafts after dredging

31 Jul 2020 / Cape Town, South Africa

The Office of the Harbour Master is pleased to promulgate the drafts for the Port of Cape Town after completion of the dredging program.

You are kindly requested to take note of the following:

  • The depth of the water of the inner channel is 15.9m.
  • The maximum permissible draft at Chart Datum for vessels bound for the container terminal has been amended to 14.2m.
  • At all times, a 0.6m UKC must be maintained at any berth.
  • At all times, a maximum of 1m UKC at any stage must be maintained at all channels.

A LETTER OF INDEMNITY is required for any vessel docking into the Port with draft exceeding 14.2m docking into the Ben Schoeman Dock and 12.8m for the Duncan Dock.

(For information about operations in South Africa contact GAC South Africa at [email protected])

Source: Transnet National Ports Authority letter dated 31 July 2020

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