Prior notification & approvals for installation of aids to navigation/water marks

08 Nov 2022 / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

To comply with the local & international obligations and to ensure the safety of navigation in waterways as well as the safety of waterways users, and for the proper identifications of hazards to navigation, any installation of water marks and/or aids to navigation within the Emirate’s waterways is subject to prior approval by Abu Dhabi Maritime.

Installations of unauthorized marks or buoys without AD Maritime prior approval may lead to serious consequences and incidents.

All project’s owners and developers having installations and works within Abu Dhabi waterways which require temporary or permanent deployment of water marks or special Navigational Aids for identification and marking its areas are required to initiate appropriate and immediate remedial measures and to report such marks or Aids to Navigation to AD Maritime for necessary approvals and other necessary action.

(For information about operations in Abu Dhabi, contact GAC Abu Dhabi at [email protected])

Source: Abu Dhabi Maritime Maritime Circular No.ADM/CIR/2022/9 dated 8 November 2022

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