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29 Jun 2021 / Gothenburg, Sweden
The Energy Port in Gothenburg will be next in line in the expansion of the shoreside power network at the Port of Gothenburg. The Energy Port will be the first energy port in the world with this particular offer. It is estimated that shoreside power at the Energy Port will reduce carbon emissions from vessels by 1,800 tonnes per year.
The Port of Gothenburg has set itself the ambitious target of reducing carbon emissions by 70% through to 2030, including vessels. Shipping also generates local emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide, noise, and particulate matter.
An effective means of reducing emissions from vessels at berth is shoreside power. Auxiliary engines currently powered by marine gas oil can be connected to a shoreside power supply, avoiding combustion emissions whilst the vessel is loading or discharging…
…Several tanker operators, including a large contingent from the local island of Donsö, have a strong environmental focus. A number have switched to LNG/LBG [Liquefied natural gas/liquefied biogas] to power their vessels, and they are looking for further ways to mitigate the environmental impact of emissions and noise by ensuring their vessels can connect to a shoreside power supply…
…The Port of Gothenburg has worked closely with the shipping companies to establish an interface that is globally unique for the tanker segment. Shipping companies that have shown an interest in shoreside power include Terntank, Furetank, Donsötank, Ektank, Veritas Tankers, and Tarbit Shipping.
The investment in shoreside power at the Port of Gothenburg Energy Port is partly financed by Klimatklivet, an investment support initiative for local and regional measures that reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other climate affecting gases. The project has been granted SEK 10.7 million.
The Port of Gothenburg was one of the first ports in the world to offer shoreside power for vessels. Shoreside power is now available at the Stena Line berths at Majnabbe and Masthugget, and at two of the berths at the Gothenburg Roro Terminal at Älvsborgshamnen.
(For information about operations in Sweden, contact GAC Sweden at [email protected])
Source: Extracts from Port of Gothenburg – – press release