Port operations stable despite COVID-19

02 Jul 2020 / Gothenburg, Sweden

Despite the Coronavirus crisis, the Port of Gothenburg is open and working at full capacity in all areas. Loading, discharge and maritime services are operating as normal…

…Operations at the Port of Gothenburg – where the first critical measures to counteract the effects of the Coronavirus were taken back at the beginning of February – have remained stable…

…Nonetheless, even if the port is still running as normal, a slowdown in volumes has already begun or is anticipated, depending on the segment. The Container Terminal is working at full capacity for all flows... …Export volumes and access to empty containers are being maintained, whilst a delayed Coronavirus effect from China is beginning to filter through on the import side.

The Ro-Ro Terminal and Car Terminal are now feeling the repercussions of the production stoppage at the Volvo companies. New vehicles, along with components and input goods, are falling in volume both on the import and export side. At the Energy Port, volumes remain high although the refineries are reporting a drop in demand.

The ferry and cruise segments have been hit extremely hard by the travel ban, which has been put into effect worldwide…

(For information about operations in Sweden, contact GAC Sweden at [email protected])

Source: Extracts from Port of Gothenburg (www.portofgothenburg.com) press release dated 30 June 2020

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