Port closed for shipping

21 Feb 2023 / Port Reunion, Reunion

Port Reunion remains closed for all shipping activities both at inner and outer port due to adverse weather.

Weather conditions at 1500 hours local time after high water were as follows:

  • MCT 1: heavy swells of 2.0-2.5m and rough seas, water shipping on quay.
  • MCT 2: heavy swells of about 2.0m and rough seas, occasional water shipping on quay.
  • MCT 3: heavy swells of 1.50-2.0m and rough seas.
  • MPT: swell of 1.0-1.25m, moderate seas.
  • At entrance beacons, MCT & MPT: heavy swells of about 3.0m and rough seas.
  • Average wind speed of some 45 km/hr with gusts of 55-60 km/hr.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Reunion, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at [email protected]

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