Planned strikes and industrial action

31 May 2024 / France

The French National Federation Ports & Docks CGT Union (Fédération Nationale des Ports et Docks) has given notice of the following industrial action for June:

  • Cancellation of overtime & exceptional shifts
  • Work stoppages 1000-1600 hours local time on 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 26 & 28 June
  • 24-hour stoppage with dead port operation on 7 June
  • 24-hour stoppage on 13, 21 & 25 June

This action is expected to affect loading & unloading operations of containers / RORO and bulk cargoes, but is not anticipated to have an impact on liquid and gas terminals.

For information about operations in France, contact the GAC Hub Agency Centre at [email protected]

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