Pipeline removal operations (Update 1)

29 Aug 2023 / New Orleans, United States

The Captain of the Port New Orleans is issuing a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Safety Measure for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River (LMR) at Mile Marker (MM) 11 Above Head of Passes (AHP) to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the Gulf South pipeline removal operations.

In-river operations to include the use of divers, multiple vessels – including anchored barges – will be working 24 hours per day and will impact the navigation channel. The following channel restrictions will be in effect:

Vessels shall check in with the Contact Pilot onboard the BB-70 on VHF-FM Channel 67 at the following locations for the latest navigation information and direction:

• Transiting Southbound: MM 28 AHP (Empire Locks)

• Transiting Northbound: MM 2 AHP (Pilottown)

August 26 – Sep 13
- Working Hours: 24/7
- One-way traffic schemes might be enacted
- Vessels shall check in with the Contact Pilot on channel 67 for information and transit at their slowest safe speed. One-way traffic schemes might be enacted.

September 13 – 17
- In-channel Working Hours: 1700 – 0700:
- Draft Restrictions 0700-1700:
- One-way traffic schemes/no draft restrictions
- Operations taking place in the navigation channel. Vessels shall check in with the Contact Pilot on channel 67 and proceed as directed. Between 1700-0700, vessels drafting greater than 35 feet are prohibited from transiting. Vessels drafting 35 feet or less must use the bypass channel along the Left Descending Bank (LDB). Between 0700-1700, one-way traffic schemes may be enacted.

September 17 – 30
- Working Hours: 24/7
- One-way traffic schemes might be enacted
- Vessels shall check in with the Contact Pilot on channel 67 for information and transit at their slowest safe speed. One-way traffic schemes might be enacted.

Sep 30 - Oct 4
- In-channel Working Hours: 1700 – 0700
- Draft Restrictions 0700-1700:
- One-way traffic schemes/no draft restrictions
- Operations taking place in the navigation channel. Vessels shall check in with the Contact Pilot on channel 67 and proceed as directed. Between 1700-0700, vessels drafting greater than 35 feet are prohibited from transiting. Vessels drafting 35 feet or less must use the bypass channel along the Left Descending Bank (LDB). Between 0700-1700, one-way traffic schemes may be enacted.

Boothville Anchorage South of MM 14 is closed to all vessels.

Back-up Date - If additional closure dates are required for operations, back-up dates will be identified after consultation with stakeholders and disseminated via email.

Above dates may adjust.

(For information about operations in the Unite3d States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: United States Coast Guard VTS Safety MARINE Safety Information Bulletin dated 28 August 2023

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.