Oil pollution update

18 Nov 2023 / New Orleans/Gulf of Mexico, United States

The Coast Guard just concluded a Port Coordination Team Conference Call to provide an update on the pollution incident in the Gulf of Mexico.

Below is a summary of the call:

The Coast Guard estimates that the pipeline began leaking at 2100 hours on 15 November and continued through 0600 hours on 16 November. A projected 1.1. million gallons of oil leaked into the Gulf approximately 15 miles east/southeast of Southwest Pass.

The Coast Guard currently has assets on scene conducting cleanup operations. Seas are forecasted to begin laying down later this evening and there should be a 48-hour window of good weather for the operations to continue.

Based off current trajectory models, the oil is not expected to reach land or go up Southwest or South Pass during the next 48 hours. There have been no reports of contaminated vessel hulls.

Southwest Pass remains open to traffic with no restrictions in place at this time.

(For information abut operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: New Orleans Board of Trade update dated 17 November 2023

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