New Harbour Master Directions, Towage Tables & Pre-Arrival Declaration

03 May 2023 / Sydney Harbour & Port Botany, Australia

A new edition of the Harbour Master Directions and Towage Tables [for Sydney Harbour & Port Botany] has been published.

There are several updates in these new editions which are aligned with current port operations. The new edition of the Harbour Master Directions can be found on the Port Authority of NSW website via the following link:

The new Harbour Master Directions and associated Towage Tables will enter into force on 1 May 2023 and repeal any previous versions of these documents. Mariners and port users are also advised that a new Pre-Arrival Declaration Form (Form 20) will be used for vessels participating in Sydney Vessel Traffic Services. The new Pre-Arrival Declaration Form is available via the Port Authority of NSW vessel booking system (ShIPS).

(For information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected])

Source: Port Authority of New South Wales Local Marine Notice 012-2023 dated 1 May 2023

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