Naval sea firing exercise

27 Jan 2020 / Sri Lanka

A sea firing exercise by naval ships/craft is scheduled to take place in Sri Lankan waters on 28 & 29 January 2020.

The Sri Lanka Navy requests all merchant vessels, boats, tugs, fishing and other craft anchored/operating in the below areas to keep well clear until the completion of the exercise. As informed by the Navy, 5 NM (9250 m) surface clearance (safety margin) is required.

Date and time of exercise:
28 January: 1800-2000 hours
29 January: 1130-1400 hours

Lat/Long Coordinates of the allocated area:
07’ 19”N / 79’ 10”E 07’ 46”N / 79’ 30”E
07’ 06”N / 79’ 30”E 07’ 03”N / 79’ 10”E

For information about operations in Sri Lanka, contact Sri Lanka at [email protected]

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