Monsoon preparedness

22 May 2024 / Mumbai, India

In view of severe weather conditions during the monsoon period in the Arabian Sea, off Mumbai Port, all should adhere to the guidelines issued by DG Shipping/IMO and safe practices of seamanship for monsoon weather conditions and also issued by various competent authorities.

In addition, following points to be included for monsoon preparedness, but should not be limited to:

  1. Monitoring of weather forecast by all available means and technology. Preventative and precautionary measures to be taken as per the prevailing weather conditions.

  2. Agents/owners/managers/Masters to ensure the foul weather preparedness of their crafts / the applicable for the expected foul weather season.

  3. All crafts to be manned as per safe manning requirements.

  4. All crafts to have sufficient bunkers/provisions/fresh water in reserve keeping in mind the prevailing weather conditions.

  5. The vessels to keep their engines in readiness, keeping prevailing weather conditions in mind.

  6. Owners/agent/charterer to ensure that the Master is aware and provided with regular updates of weather forecast and ensure the compliance of safe practices.

  7. Master/owner/Manager/agent of a craft without propulsion to ensure that standby tug(s) of suitable capacity and numbers with respect to prevailing weather conditions is/are available.

  8. Master/owner/manager/agent will be held responsible for any deviations or any incidents/accidents due to non-compliance of above mentioned guidelines.

  9. All statutory certificates including but not limited to P&I certificate, Class certificate, etc should remain valid at all times. Any violation will be considered as non-compliance.

  10. Vessels to keep their engine in readiness in short notice, keeping prevailing weather condition in mind. All vessels in harbour to monitor applicable port VHF channel.

  11. All vessels to carry extra mooring ropes as spare lines in case ropes parted or required as additional mooring ropes. Mooring ropes must be in good condition.

  12. Tides are considered strong when range is 9 feet and above.

  13. During monsoon season, strongest tides are run across the harbour. In cyclonic weather sometimes experience the strongest wind (up to 40-45 knows) and zero visibility during heavy rain.

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected])

Source: Mumbai Port Authority Circular No.DC/C-SH/2024/1224

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