Monkeypox precautions

30 May 2022 / Chittagong, Bangladesh

To prevent the spread of Monkeypox disease in Bangladesh through the sea route, all ships arriving to Chittagong Port shall exercise the following precautionary measures:

  1. No officer/crew shall be granted shore pass unless emergency and with prior approval of the Port Health Officer (PHO).
  2. Signed-off crew shall remain under health check by PHO prior out pass from immigration fate (Gate No.1) of Chittagong Port.
  3. Any information regarding Monkeypox symptomatic patient on board ship shall be informed to Port Control Room (Tel No. 02333326916) and to the Port Health Officer immediately. In such case ship’s movement/cargo operation will be subjected to the report of PHO inspection.

(For information about operations in Bangladesh, contact GAC-Uniglobal at [email protected])

Source: Chittagong Port Authority Marine Department Emergency Circular dated 29 May 2022

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