Modifications to Transit Reservation (Booking) System

24 Mar 2025 / Panama Canal, Panama

Beginning April 27, 2025, the Canal will introduce an option for requesting swaps and substitutions among LoTSA [Long-Term Slots Allocation] customers.

Consequently, a specialized LoTSA coordination service will be available daily to manage all inquiries regarding LoTSA slots. More details will be provided in a timely manner.

Additionally, the following modifications to the Transit Reservation (Booking) System will be implemented:

  • LoTSA customers may be given priority over other customers during the assignment process of a Transit in Adancement (TIA).

Effective March 22, 2025, for booking dates beginning April 1, 2025:

  • In case there are more than four LoTSA slots registered for any booking date, the additional slots to reach the maximum of six slots per booking date will be reduced from Booking Period 1A, 2 or 3, depending on the time the LoTSA slots are registered.

  • If by the end of Booking Period 1A there are less than four LoTSA slots registered for any booking date, the unused slots will be added to Booking Period 2.

  • From the maximum of four Neopanamax slots per direction that may be offered within all booking period (including LoTSA slots but excluding Booking Period 3 and the conditioned slot)

    - Whenever there are one or more slots available per direction within this limitation, one slot per direction may be offered during the Booking Period 1A.

    - In case there is no slot available in one direction within the direction limitation period, the two slots may be offered in the opposite direction.

    - Vessels with HML=D will not be allowed to request a booking slot during Booking Period 1A.

    Scenarios allocated before Period 1A:
    - Northbound 2 / Southbound 1
    Period 1A offering (2 slots):
    - Northbound 1 / Southbound 2

    Scenarios allocated before Period 1A:
    - Northbound 2 / Southbound 2
    Period 1A offering (2 slots):
    - Northbound 1 / Southbound 1

    Scenarios allocated before Period 1A:
    - Northbound 3 / Southbound 2
    Period 1A offering (2 slots):
    - Northbound 1 / Southbound 1

    Scenarios allocated before Period 1A:
    - Northbound 4 / Southbound -
    Period 1A offering (2 slots):
    - Northbound - / Southbound 2

    Scenarios allocated before Period 1A:
    - Northbound - / Southbound 4
    Period 1A offering (2 slots):
    - Northbound 2 / Southbound -

Effective March 22, for booking dates beginning June 20, 2025:

  • Any slot not allocated during the Special Booking Period for Neopanamax will be carried over to Booking Period 2.

  • Any slot from the Special Booking Period that becomes available from 366 to 156 days prior to the booking date will be carried over to Period 2.

(For information about operations in Panama, contact GAC Panama at [email protected])

Source: Panama Canal Authority Advisory To Shipping No. A-06-2025 dated 21 March 2025

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