Marine Weather Forecast Update

26 Sep 2024 / Bahamas

As of latest weather forecast update at port Freeport, Bahamas, on 26 September 2024, winds may gust from 30-35MPH with 4-5ft swells and periodic showers.

Please be advised that the port remains closed for berthing of vessels at the Buckeye Bahamas Hub outer berths and all OPL activities, including bunkering and lightering operations, are suspended.

Weather conditions are predicted to improve by 29 September 2024.

24 September 2024

  • 12:00hrs Buckeye went into port restricted
  • 18:54hrs Buckeye went into port closed
  • 18:54hrs Suspension of all OPL activities

For information about operations in the Bahamas, contact the GAC Hub Agency Centre at [email protected].

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.