Marine rates & charges - Update

29 Mar 2022 / River Forth Ports – Scotland (Grangemouth, Rosyth, Port Babcock, Rosyth, Inverkeithing, Burntisland, Leith, Kirkcaldy, Methil, Hound Point & Braefoot Bay), United Kingdom

There will be an increase on Pilotage charges for all vessels over 9600 Chargeable DWT (except container vessels) of 15%, applicable from 1 April 2022.

In addition, the hourly rate for a Pilot will increase to £199, with a four hour minimum charge, along with the introduction of a COVID passport, where if requested, Forth Pilots will supply a dedicated, fully vaccinated pilot for a vessel at an additional cost.

There are also changes to the notice to order a Pilot, which will increase from 2 hours to 4 hours, though cancellation charge timescales will remain the same.

All other charges for Boarding and Landing and Conservancy will remain the same. A new updated tariff document will be put on our website shortly.

The reason for the increase is due to increasing costs of maintaining the Pilotage service and to ensure that the high standards of safety and service provided continue.

Forth Ports are also, in conjunction with Forth Pilots undertaking a review of the way vessel charges are worked out, with a new way of charging being introduced for 2023.

(For information about operations in the United Kingdom, contact GAC UK at

Source: Forth Ports Ltd letter dated 29 March 2022

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