Marine operations restricted

12 Feb 2024 / Dubai/Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates

Marine operations at Dubai/Jebel Ali were restricted to one-way traffic at 06:00 hours local time today (12 February) due to unstable weather and strong winds. Delays in vessel berthing and departure can be expected.

The weather is forecast to continues to be unstable today, with some cumulus clouds interspersed with rain of varying intensity, accompanied by lightning and thunder, in various areas. Temperatures tend to drop, and winds are northeasterly to southeasterly moderate, active and strong at times, with clouds stirring up dust and dust. This leads to low horizontal visibility, its speed ranges from 20 to 35, reaching 65 km/h, and rough sea with clouds in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of Oman.

For tomorrow (13 February), rain of varying intensity is expected, accompanied by lightning and thunder, especially in the northern, eastern and coastal regions. Light to moderate southeasterly wind, sometimes active with clouds stirring up dust and debris, with speeds ranging from 15 to 25, reaching 40 km/h, with turbulent sea.

For 14 February, light to moderate northeasterly to southeasterly winds and light sea are forecast.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Dubai, contact GAC Dubai at [email protected]

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