Lockdown extended, port ops continuing but no crew changes

07 Jun 2020 / Lebanon

The Lebanese Government/Ministry of Health has renewed the COVID 19 lockdown period until 5 July.

Vessels are currently calling at all Lebanese ports normally, although a curfew is in place between 12pm and 5am.

No crew changes are permitted, and no crew may go ashore.

Upon vessel’s arrival, Quarantine Doctor will be the first to board to check on crew. Once clearance is released, others may board and cargo operations can commence.

The Master should report to the doctor any suspected cases or sick crew on board. Last 10 ports list and other sanitary documents should be presented to the doctor. Master and crew must wear mask & gloves all the times when in port.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Lebanon, contact GAC Lebanon at [email protected]

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