Light dues 2020/21

18 Feb 2020 / United Kingdom

Light dues rates for 2020/21 will not change and remain at 37.5p per net registered tonne. Amounts due are rounded down to the nearest penny…

…The underlying principle to charging light dues is that the vessel is liable to pay lights unless one of the exemptions as per the Merchant Shipping Act is applicable. Traditionally, this has been quite easy to assess as the vessel has cargo to load or unload. However, there are more vessels undertaking services for example, wind farm support vessels, survey vessels and other support type vessels.

They do not always have physical cargo and often use a port as their base of operations. The reason for their arrival into port may be crew change or provisions but, as they are still engaged in their commercial activity before they arrived and will continue to do so after their departure, they are liable for the light dues charge. Otherwise, these vessel would never be charged for using the aids to navigation…

(For information about operations in the UK, contact GAC UK at [email protected])

Source: Extract from Trinity House( Light Dues Circular No.542

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