Laying of waterpipes

16 May 2024 / Sila Port/Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

AD Ports Group has advised that marine units and boats will be involved in laying a water pipeline on the seabed from Sila to Yasat Safli Island from 16 May to 31 December 2024.

According to the Notice to Mariners No.11/2024 dated 16 May, the work will be conducted within the boundaries of Sila Port, outside the port basin.

The pipeline route is defined by the following coordinates:
1) Latitude 24 deg. 04.540’N / Longitude 051 deg. 47.288’E
2) Latitude 24 deg. 04.703’N / Longitude 051 deg. 48.479’E
3) Latitude 24 deg. 04.711’N / Longitude 051 deg. 48.495’E
4) Latitude 24 deg. 05.883’N / Longitude 051 deg. 49.783’E
5) Latitude 24 deg. 10.783’N / Longitude 051 deg. 59.301’E

All vessels navigating near the project area or approaching the port are required to proceed with caution and keep a safe distance.

Mariners are advised to temporarily update the related BA charts (BA 3951 and related/adjoining charts).

For information about operations in Abu Dhabi, contact GAC Abu Dhabi at [email protected]

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