Installation of silt curtain & temporary navigational buoys

22 Feb 2022 / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Work is in progress for the installation of a silt curtain at the breakwater entrance to the project site for Abu Dhabi Natural History Museum, north of Sas Al Nakhl Channel, Abu Dhabi.

Temporary navigational buoys will be installed at the project location starting from Friday 18 February 2022 and will remain in place for the entire duration of the project.

All users of waterways, mariners and maritime operators are advised to stay vigilant and maintain safe distance from the works area.

Note: This activity does not hinder the safe passage of the waterway users.

(For information about operations in Abu Dhabi, contact GAC Abu Dhabi at [email protected] )

Source: Abu Dhabi Maritime Local Marine Notice No. ADM/LMN/2022/5 dated 22 February 2022

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